If you have decided to increase your family and where to buy a yorkshire, yorkshire breed, yorkshire mini, toy yorkshire, buy a dog, yorkshire kennel, yorkshire breeders, adopt a yorkshire, yorkshire for sale, yorkshire terrier, tips for buying a yorkshire, yorkshire paradise, surely, besides being very excited, you have a lot of doubts about finding the store, the person or the professional breeder that can give you the best guarantees regarding the physical and emotional health of your new pet.
Most probably, searching on the Internet you have been able to find many ads of people or breeders from whom you can buy a Yorkshire at affordable prices. But you must keep in mind that there are many false ads that only seek to steal your money. So, before contacting any of them, we recommend you to read our article “Fake dog ads on the Internet” and learn how to detect possible scams.
When buying a Yorkshire you can also resort to pet stores or certain private breeders. But be careful, not everything goes. Some of them are really dog sellers, for whom animals are just a business and do not care about their welfare.
You may have the option of adopting a Yorkshire, but if the person who gives it to you cannot provide you with information about its pedigree or health condition, the adoption may be very expensive.
If you want to avoid unpleasant surprises, to buy a Yorkshire you should go to responsible and professional breeders. Why? For a lot of reasons that we are going to explain in this article.
Why buy a Yorkshire from a dog breeder?
Dog breeders are establishments specialized in reproduction and breeding of certain dog breeds. As our main objective, as breeders, we take care of preserving and guaranteeing the good health and pedigree of each of our puppies.
However, not all breeders are destined to breed pedigree breeds and not all of them follow a responsible breeding, which ensures the best health and care conditions for each puppy.
Therefore, when buying a Yorkshire from a breeder, it is important to know how to choose the one that provides you with the best guarantees. If you want to make sure that the breeder you have selected is suitable, we offer you a series of tips for buying a Yorkshire in our article “10 questions you should ask a breeder”.
Buying a Yorkshire in a responsible breeding center, such as Las Almenas, assures you a series of qualities of what will be your best friend:
- Guarantee that it is a purebred dog.
Of course, all dogs deserve a home and lots of love, but if you buy a pedigree dog, you can be sure of how it will behave, what size it will reach and you will know in advance what is the environment and the care it will need according to its characteristics.
In the official Yorkshire breeders, all the animals are duly registered and we have all the documentation that verifies the pedigree of your puppy. In these documents you will be able to check the purity of the lineage of your new dog, as well as its health and that of its parents.
If the breeder does not handle this information and does not have the records that endorse the dog’s pedigree, it is better that you distrust and look for other options where to buy a Yorkshire.
The Yorkshire breeder should also tell you if the puppies have a microchip for identification purposes. This chip, the size of a grain of rice, which is inserted in the dog’s skin, allows to read by means of an electromagnetic reader the unique number that represents each dog.
- You get to take home a healthy dog
Responsible Yorkshire breeders know who are the parents of the puppy you buy. The parents have been carefully selected to ensure that the puppies are born free of certain genetic diseases.
You may be able to meet their mother and siblings when you visit the breeder. Take this opportunity to observe what their parents are like, as in the future it is very likely that their puppies will be similar in terms of physical traits and character.
This is something very important, since you can get a very unpleasant surprise if your dog, whom you love so much, suffers from certain diseases that will mean an important economic investment in veterinarians.
Also in responsible breeders we take care of their vaccination and deworming, as required by law. In this way, you are sure to take home a healthy and protected dog. In this regard, at the time of buying a Yorkshire, the breeder must give you the vaccination booklet confirming that all doses have been administered and on what date it has been done.
The first vaccinations usually administered are against infectious hepatitis, distemper, parvovirus and leptospirosis. As for deworming, the breeder should indicate when the most recent deworming has been done, but you know that you will have to continue this when it is due.
This is the reason why we do not deliver our puppies until they are over two and a half months old, since you have to wait until week 5 to give the first vaccination and until week 9 to complete the first vaccination. Until that moment, the puppy must stay with its mother and siblings and feed on mother’s milk with which it gets the antibodies and defenses it needs until the vaccination arrives.
- You get a sociable dog
Another advantage of buying a Yorkshire in a responsible breeder is that in these centers we take care of the socialization of the puppy from the first days of life. In Las Almenas, our Yorkshire puppies, as well as other six breeds of mini or toy dogs that we breed in Asturias, coexist with other animals, people, environments and noises from a very young age.
In this way, with socialization we get calm and balanced dogs that do not get scared or respond violently to certain situations, as they have lived positive experiences that ensure that they feel comfortable with the widest variety of situations, people and environments possible.
On the contrary, if your Yorkshire is not properly socialized and educated from puppyhood, it can become a distrustful dog or even fearful and stressed continuously.
- Professional advice
Responsible breeders can give you professional advice on the qualities of each breed we breed. This is essential for you to know how to feed it, how much it sleeps, what type of exercise or activity is more appropriate, etc. In addition, at responsible breeders we will ask you a series of questions to find out what your lifestyle is like and recommend the breed and puppy that best suits you and your family.
And when you are at home with your new furry friend, we will continue to help you and answer any questions you may have about raising your dog.
How much does it cost to buy a Yorkshire?
The price is undoubtedly another of the issues you should deal with when buying a Yorkshire. This price will depend both on the breed and on the breeder’s own considerations, but if it costs less than 800 Euros, it is a reason for distrust.
Keep in mind that, in a responsible Yorkshire breeder, the time dedicated to each puppy is total. During the first days, the breeders spend day and night watching that the upbringing with the mother is correct and that the whole litter is fed equally and that no puppy is left without being able to eat. In addition, we make sure that they have a correct hygiene, that they go to the veterinary check-ups for deworming and that they receive the corresponding vaccinations.
When they grow up, we give each of our dogs quality food and we complete a correct socialization and exercise practice of the puppy in our outdoor space that facilitates the activities and games.

Where to buy a Yorkshire in Asturias
If you are looking for where to buy a Yorkshire, in Las Almenas we offer you all the possible guarantees. We practice a different way of breeding dogs far from the idea of caged dogs, which do not socialize and do not receive the love and attention they need.
The responsible breeding method we follow in Las Almenas allows us to breed beautiful, healthy, balanced and happy puppies, which makes us the Yorkshire’s paradise.
If you need help finding your new life partner, ask us. We breed seven mini and toy breeds of adorable and very affectionate dogs: the Maltese Bichon, Shih Tzu, Pomeranian, Biewer, Poodle, Dachshund and, of course, the Yorkshire.
And if you are looking for more information or want to ask us any questions, you can leave your comments below this article or contact us. You can also be part of the Almenas family. To do so, you just have to follow us on our social networks Facebook Instagram and YouTube channel or, if you prefer, you can subscribe to our newsletter to receive updated information about Las Almenas.
And if you already have everything clear and want to buy a Yorkshire, ask us about our next litters, we will be happy to help and inform you without obligation.
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