Have you just welcomed your puppy home? If so, I’m sure you’re eager to take him out for walks, show him off to everyone and watch him play with other dogs. But doing this too soon can be dangerous. If you want to know when a puppy can go outside, read on. In our Las Almenas blog we tell you all about it.
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From when can a puppy go out in the street?
The best thing to do is not to take the puppy out into the street until it has completed its vaccination schedule and has received its last dose. In this way, you ensure that your puppy is protected against important diseases such as distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and rabies.
These diseases have a high mortality rate, which is especially high in unvaccinated puppies. These puppies have neither protection nor a sufficiently mature immune system to effectively combat the virus. Nor is there a drug that can be given to cure the dog. This makes this type of pathologies, such as parvovirus or distemper, especially dangerous.
Normally, the first vaccine is given between six and eight weeks of life and at the ninth week the second one is given. At 12 weeks, booster vaccines are given. From this moment on, a puppy can go outside and be in contact with other dogs.
It is also important to take into account that before the puppy goes out for the first time, it is necessary to have its chip implanted for its identification.
However, if you have any doubts about his vaccination or health condition, you know that the veterinarian will have the last word and determine when a puppy can go out in the street and if he is ready to face the new world that is waiting for him.
And while the date arrives, what about the puppy’s socialization?
The socialization stage of dogs is very important.
It is the time when the puppy begins to learn behaviors and establishes relationships with its environment, whether they are objects, people or other dogs or animals.
Poor socialization can lead to fears or phobias and problems of adaptation and coexistence, such as separation stress.
Generally, this important socialization stage is between one month and the first three months of a dog’s life. This is exactly the time that coincides with the period in which the puppy receives its vaccinations. Then comes the doubt of knowing when a puppy can go out in the street, since going out and socializing is very advisable for its mental health, but at the same time it can be dangerous.
It is for this reason that in kennels like Las Almenas, where we develop a responsible breeding, we raise our puppies in semi-freedom. In this way, from their first weeks of life, the puppies get used to socialize with other dogs, with other people and even with other animals. This way, when they arrive at their new family’s home, they adapt more easily and do not get scared when they are in another environment surrounded by other people and pets.
In addition, in Las Almenas we do not give our puppies until they are at least three months old. We understand that, until that age, the puppy should be with its mother and siblings.
Once our puppies are vaccinated and have passed 3 months of age, is when we can give you a healthy puppy that we have been able to know and that we have allowed to socialize with his family, with the environment and with other dogs and people. This is how we make sure that, at the moment of delivery, you will take home a healthy dog, in all aspects.
Socialization of your puppy at home
If you prefer to avoid any risk and keep your puppy at home until it has received all its vaccinations, you should facilitate its socialization in your own home.
To do this, it will be enough to receive visits from people he is not used to, leave the windows open so he can hear noises from the street, see his environment through the windows, and get used to the presence of children, babies or other pets you have at home. He can also receive visits from other dogs that you know are perfectly vaccinated.
The sooner he gets used to it, the better.
How to take a puppy outside without completing vaccination
Many families ask us when a puppy can go out in the yard without being vaccinated, when a puppy can go outside, or how to start taking a puppy outside.
As we have already told you, vaccination is essential, but so is socialization. That is why many people do not want to keep their dog isolated in the bubble that is the home. If this is your case and your dog is still missing the last dose of vaccination or has had all of them for a few days, and you want to know how to take him out for the first time, here are some useful tips:
1-Carry him in your arms or in a carrier.
Indeed, taking him outside is good for his socialization. This way, he gets used to the new stimuli of his environment. But it is better that he is totally protected from any uncontrolled contact. In your arms or in a basket or in a carrier, he will be more protected.
2-Don’t let him smell other dogs or pee or poop on the floor.
3-Don’t let him put objects he finds on the street floor in his mouth either.
You have to watch him to avoid accidents.
4-Avoid parks and places with little care or poor hygiene.
If you have a private yard or garden, it is appropriate to take him out and play with him without risks.
5-Visit healthy dogs
You can take him to a friend’s or relative’s house with a dog that you know is healthy, dewormed and vaccinated.
6-Short walks
Walks should be short. Just enough for him to do his bowel movements. From the sixth month of life you can progressively increase the time of the walks.
7-Praise him
If his behavior is appropriate and he pees and poops outside the house, reward him.
What should a puppy’s first walks be like?
Now that you know when a puppy can go outside, you should know what to do during a puppy’s first walk.
In this case, once the puppy’s vaccination schedule has been completed and the veterinarian has given you the go-ahead for him to go outside without a problem, it’s time to start the walking routine.
Here you will have to bring out your skills as a trainer to get the puppy used to his new routine:
Plan walking schedules
Try to stick to a walking schedule that suits you in terms of your availability, but also helps him meet his needs.
Be very patient
At the beginning, the walks can be disconcerting for him as he is subjected to so many stimuli that are still unknown to your little furry one. Therefore, it is normal for him to be distracted or frightened by noises and experiences. The best thing to do during the first walks is not to force your puppy to do anything he doesn’t want to do.
Leash and harness
The use of leash and harness is another issue with which your puppy will feel uncomfortable, if you have not previously helped him to get used to it. Therefore, it is recommended that you work on the process of adaptation to these two new elements at home before the time comes to use them.
Start by putting the harness on him a few minutes a day and encourage him to do other things, such as playing or eating. This way the puppy will understand that wearing the harness is normal and will not associate it with the excitement of the street or take it as a punishment.
You will also have to try to use the leash at home and finally, when a puppy can go outside, he will be ready to walk on the leash without pulling.
If using the leash and harness gets complicated, you can always resort to the typical treats for treats or his favorite toy.
Play with him in the park
A fun time at the park with your puppy is also a good way to reinforce his positive behaviors. But it is also a way for your dog to start feeling better and more integrated with the outside world. He will surely be eager to go outside knowing that you are going to dedicate some time to play.
Now you know when a puppy can go outside, but if you have any doubts, you can leave your comments below or contact us. If you want more information about responsible parenting you can follow us on our Instagram or Facebook profiles, as well as on our YouTube channel.
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