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Teleworking with dogs at home, how to organize yourself?


Setting up a home office has been a must for many. The coronavirus pandemic has brought us this new way of working that, by the looks of it, is here to stay. However, although you may not realize it, teleworking with dogs at home has a series of advantages that we are going to tell you about in a moment. But, in order to enjoy teleworking with dogs at home, you have to know how to organize yourself.

Maybe, after months of pandemic, you still haven’t managed to organize your life and your dog’s life, and you live your day-to-day life as a real madness. Or maybe, precisely now that you spend so much time at home, you are encouraged to get a dog because you no longer spend twelve hours in the street and you finally have enough time to take care of him. Whatever the reason, from Las Almenas we want to show you how to make telecommuting with dogs at home something very positive and enriching for your life and also for your furry friend.

Benefits of teleworking with dogs at home

Haven’t you realized yet the many benefits of telecommuting with pets? Well, you’ll see that there are quite a few:

Helps you relax

If talking to your boss, colleague or client has been a conflict or you have any kind of problem, try petting your pet. You’ll see how you manage that anxiety better when you feel that your dog is close to you. What’s more, being in contact with animals can also help you communicate less aggressively. In addition to reducing anxiety, spending time with your dog helps you relax physically and loosen up your muscles. And, if you also take advantage of a break to go for a walk with your dog, you will see that this also helps you to de-stress.

Facilitates work breaks

Another advantage of teleworking with dogs at home is that you force yourself to stop from time to time. Although it may seem a nuisance, the reality is that taking care of your dog, going to feed him, see how he is or even take him for a walk will be very good for you. It is highly recommended to take breaks during work and get up from your chair every two hours. The excuse of going to see your dog is perfect to disconnect for a few minutes and return to work with renewed strength.


Encourage exercise

Did you know that living with dogs improves cardiovascular health? It has been proven. People who own dogs have lower blood pressure and better cholesterol levels. Teleworking with dogs at home forces you to go outside and exercise, even if it’s just a short walk. And this has a direct impact on your health and life expectancy.

You save money

If until now you spent all day away from home or used to travel for work, with teleworking everything has changed. If you used to pay someone to take care of your pet or you needed to leave him/her in a dog hotel, now you are saving money. This is one more advantage of being able to combine telecommuting with dogs at home.

Increases your happiness

Eye contact with your dog increases the oxytocin level of both of you. It’s as simple as that. Oxytocin is the hormone that helps us connect with others and gives us affection and trust. But, in addition, oxytocin helps to release serotonin which is the hormone of happiness because it helps us to relax and be in a good mood. But surely you already knew this because your dog sometimes looks at you as if he understands you and makes you feel his support, right?

Your bonds are strengthened

It makes sense, don’t you think? If you share so much time and space together, the most normal thing is that you understand each other better and know how to understand what his wishes are, and that he also understands yours. By strengthening your emotional ties, you will avoid many moments of frustration and mutual incomprehension.


How to organize teleworking with dogs at home

In order to enjoy all the advantages and benefits of teleworking with dogs at home, you have to organize yourself properly. Don’t know how to do it? Don’t panic! Here we tell you 10 guidelines to get the best possible way to telework with dogs at home. The first thing to keep in mind is that the change in your habits has also caught your dog by surprise. Therefore, the sooner you get everything organized, the better it will be for both of you.

1-Organize your schedule

This is the basis of everything. If you organize your schedule well, you will surely find time to work, to take care of your family, to rest, to read, … and, of course, to take care of your dog and maintain its hygiene and care. Routines work very well with dogs. The sooner you put them in place, the sooner he will understand and respect them, and you will be able to reconcile teleworking with dogs at home.

2-Set limits

Your work space needs to be quiet so you can concentrate. No interruptions from your children or your dog. So you should be strict with these limits from the beginning. Little by little your dog will understand that you can’t be there or that, when you are at the computer, he should not bother you.

3-Take advantage of downtime

Now that, with teleworking, you are saving time in commuting and extra long meetings, take advantage of that time to take care of your dog, play with him, take a walk… In short, it is not about spending the whole morning looking after the dog, but to take advantage of the moments of rest to take care of the dog while teleworking.


4-Play to release your dog’s energy

Is your dog really up the walls? Sure, understand him. You’re there and he wants some fun time. Games are a great way for him to let off some of that energy. Take him out to run and play and you’ll see how, when he comes home, he’ll be calmer and let you work.


5-Make sure he doesn’t get bored

Boredom in dogs is not at all convenient because it can lead them to be a little bit unruly and turn your house upside down. To prevent this, the best thing to do is to use toys, as they can keep him entertained and stimulated for hours.
Remember that dogs chew for fun, stimulation and to relieve anxiety. Before he chews on your favorite slippers, be sure to give him chew toys in his size. You have plenty of toys to choose from: hard rubber, rope, indestructible stuffed animals, etc.

6-Redirect behaviors

Sometimes, no amount of playing or walking tires your dog out. So, instead of trying to exhaust his body, try making his brain tired. Teach him to work for rewards, this exercise can provide him with excellent mental stimulation.

7-Dose his food

With this coronavirus thing, it is true that you have to limit going outside. Since your dog may not get out of the house as much as he should, you have to make sure he doesn’t become sedentary and, by the way, ration his meals.
Don’t give him more food than he needs and make sure he exercises indoors. If you are going to be teleworking with dogs at home, and you do not want to be aware of their food, you can get food dispensers. In specialized stores you can find automatic feeders that regulate feeding schedules.

8-Increase affection

Is your dog bored and feeling ignored while you spend the day in front of the computer? If you’re too busy, ask someone else in the house to play with your dog for a while. But if you can’t count on anyone, it’s best to find a few minutes to give your furry friend some extra cuddles. You’ll see how his face will change and he’ll be happy with your attention.

9-Don’t pay too much attention to his barking.

If every time your dog barks for your attention you pay attention to him, then teleworking with dogs at home is going to be impossible. Keep in mind that this annoying behavior will be perpetuated when your pet receives the attention it continually requests.

10-No shouting or scolding

It is true that when you scold your dog you may notice that you have temporarily managed to improve his behavior. But you should also be aware that if you get up while working to scold him, this is also a way of paying attention to him and in the end he will continue to do it so that you will pay attention to him again.

Ideally, when he stops barking or behaves better, you should give him the attention he is looking for and say nice things to him. In this way, you will be able to reinforce good behaviors and it will be easier for you to develop teleworking with dogs at home.

What about you, how do you organize yourself? We want to know your opinion and your tricks to reconcile teleworking with dogs at home. We invite you to write your comments below. And if you liked this article, give us your rating. You can vote with up to 5 stars. If you want more information about dog and puppy care, join our Las Almenas family and follow us on our YouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter.
We hope you found these 10 tips to organize telecommuting with dogs at home very useful!

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