Having a dog is a decision that brings with it many rewards. It enables you to lead a healthier lifestyle and, above all, it brings with it the best of companionship. For that companionship to last for many years, the best thing to do is to acquire a purebred dog from a breeder that offers you the best possible guarantees. If you are thinking about a Shih Tzu and want to know how we work in a Shih Tzu breeder in Spain, you are welcome to our Las Almenas blog!
How is responsible breeding in a Shih Tzu breeder in Spain?
You may think that breeding dogs is a simple task. But in reality it involves a lot of work and responsibility. It is true that there are breeders and people who breed dogs illegally. Being clandestine businesses they do not pay the multiple taxes that we pay every Shih Tzu breeder in Spain. Obviously they do not give invoices either, nor do they follow the Data Protection Law nor do they offer the minimum guarantees that the Law establishes.
But also within the legality we find different types of Shih Tzu breeders in Spain. In the case of Las Almenas we are dedicated to the responsible breeding of these beautiful animals.
What does responsible breeding mean? Well, we are not only dedicated to breeding, but we also care about the welfare of each of our puppies from birth to the choice of the most appropriate family for each of them.
During all this time, the whole Las Almenas team strives to obtain healthy and beautiful dogs, as is the case of the Shih Tzu, which stands out for its spectacular long and silky coat that never falls out. Apart from the characteristics of this breed, which you can learn about in our Complete Guide to the Shih Tzu dog breed, we would like to tell you how we work in a Shih Tzu breeder in Spain so that you can make the right decision based on accurate information.
Characteristics of a Shih Tzu breeder in Spain
One of the essential characteristics of a responsible breeder is that you can know which are the parents of the puppy you are taking home. You will be able to verify that they are purebred dogs whose physical and mental characteristics are perfect and appropriate to their breed. This is a guarantee that their offspring have pedigree and, as such, their behavior is quite predictable.
Both parents and offspring undergo the appropriate check-ups by the veterinarian, as well as deworming and vaccination against the most common infectious diseases.
In the case of reproduction, we also try that our dogs can have their ultrasounds or even caesarean sections if necessary because in Las Almenas we are responsible for all those lives.
We also dedicate ourselves to the socialization of the puppies from their first weeks to ensure that our puppies do not have any problems when adapting to their new home.
That is why our Shih Tzu breeder in Spain applies higher health standards than those required by law. Not only do we provide health care to our dogs, but we also give them high quality food, take care of their hair, skin and nails, clean their teeth and prepare the air-conditioned facilities so that they are comfortable all year round.
Shih Tzu breeding in a responsible breeder
As it happens with most of the mini or toy breeds that we breed in Las Almenas, in the case of the Shih Tzu, the first heat of the females occurs between six and nine months of age. In our Shih Tzu cattery in Spain we wait until the second heat to start breeding. In this way we ensure the good development of their reproductive organs and that they reach their definitive size.
We try that the male is of a similar size to the female to avoid size problems at the time of delivery. Also the male is over 12 months old at the time of reproduction.
During pregnancy we give a series of prenatal care that are essential for the health of our Shih Tzu dogs and their future offspring. Their nutrition is improved with a higher percentage of fats and vitamins. And, in addition, in our Shih Tzu breeder in Spain we also provide extra pampering because, despite being a very quiet pet, it tends to become hyperactive during gestation.
The gestation of a Shih Tzu dog can last up to 63 days. It is usual to have between 3 and 6 pups, something that is quite striking, taking into account that this is a mini breed and has a very small size. That is why the attention during pregnancy is exhaustive and even more so at the time of delivery, as it may require a cesarean section.
Puppy care
During the birth, in our Shih Tzu breeder in Spain we make sure that the mother is never alone and, from the moment the puppies are born, we watch over the litter at all times. This way we make sure that no puppy is left without its mother’s food and that all of them grow equally, in a homogeneous way. However, if there is any problem with breastfeeding, in Las Almenas we take care of giving bottles every three hours, both day and night.
Obviously, hygiene is a very important point during the first weeks of the puppies. For this reason, we not only keep the facilities clean and in perfect order, but we also clean the puppies’ muzzles so that they can suckle and breathe without problems.
The weaning is done in a progressive way and, at the same time, we facilitate the socialization and education of each of our puppies that live in Las Almenas, no matter what breed they are. We have the advantage that all the breeds we breed are toys or minis, so any danger is minimized.
You know that socialization is essential to get dogs with a healthy behavior, able to adapt to their new families. This is a point that you should check carefully because you will not find it in any Shih Tzu breeder in Spain.
As you can see, the attention we give to the new litter is total, without forgetting the veterinary assistance for ordinary controls and vaccinations, as well as for emergencies 24 hours a day.
Shih Tzu, is it for you?
Every pedigree dog has its own particular characteristics that you have to know how to combine with your personality and lifestyle. Therefore, if you are considering getting a Shih Tzu puppy and you have not yet decided and have any doubts, you can continue to get information in our Shih Tzu breeder in Spain. Only in responsible and legally authorized breeders, as is the case of Las Almenas, you can be sure:
1-Pedigree puppy
The biggest advantage of purebred dogs is that you know in advance how the puppy will behave at home and how it will adapt to your family and its new situation. Genetics predispose them to such behavior, so you avoid unpleasant surprises that you can get when you acquire a dog without any control or guarantees. Unfortunately, scams are more frequent than you can imagine.
2-Healthy dog
Puppies born in our Shih Tzu breeder in Spain receive quality food, deworming, vaccination and all the necessary pampering to grow up physically and mentally balanced.
3-Puppy without fears and very sociable
To ensure that your puppy will grow up without fear or behavioral problems, socialization from the first weeks is essential. In our more than 7,000 m2 of natural terrain, our puppies learn to coexist with other dogs, as well as people. We expose them to positive stimuli that they associate with pleasant moments. This way they will feel more confident and comfortable when they have to be in different situations and environments.
4-Exclusive selection for you
Finally, after months of raising each of our puppies we know what their characteristics are and we know what type of family they will fit in best. Let us help you choose the most suitable breed and the one that suits you best, according to your characteristics and your family lifestyle.
Las Almenas, your Shih Tzu cattery in Spain
If you are looking for a Shih Tzu breeder in Spain that gives you all the possible guarantees and allows you to acquire a healthy, playful and beautiful puppy, contact us. In Las Almenas we know that acquiring a new puppy is a big responsibility, but we can help you to make the right choice.
Tell us your doubts or your experiences with Shih Tzu puppies in our comments box or in our Facebook, Instagram and You Tube profiles of Las Almenas. And if you liked the article, leave us your rating. As a Shih Tzu breeder in Spain, we are interested in your opinion about the information provided. You know we are a responsible breeder and we take into account all the details!
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2 Responses
Will you have new Shitzu female puppies ready in January ?
Hi Phillip, thanks for getting in touch and welcome to the Almenas family. You can send a WhatsApp to +34696384192 and we will send you photos and videos of our puppies. Without obligation we will give you all the information you need, we send the dogs with our own staff to your home, you don’t need to come to Spain. Do not leave it, write message and we comment everything what you need. A greeting.