One of the novelties of the new Animal Protection Law planned for 2022 is the implementation of a ID for dogs and cats. This document will be mandatory and necessary for the identification of pets.
But what does this ID for dogs consist of? What objectives and benefits will it bring with it? What does it oblige us to do? To answer this and other questions, we have prepared this article from Las Almenas.
What is the ID for dogs?
The new ID for dogs is still a draft bill that could undergo significant changes. But what we do know is that it is a document that will be mandatory for the identification of pets, dogs or cats.
In this way, the ID for dogs would manage to unify the information that exists on the identification registries, which until now have been of autonomous scope. The purpose of this measure would be to be able to fine and punish those responsible for animal abandonment, since, with the animal ID, not only pets are identified, but also their owners.
We cannot forget that Spain is one of the European countries with the highest rate of animal abandonment and this is one of the measures that aims to remedy it.
In addition to including data on the animal and the owner, the ID for dogs will also include the vaccination schedule, veterinary treatments and even a DNA sample of the animal. The purpose of this last measure would be to combat illegal breeding.
Another reason why the General Directorate of Animal Rights wants to implement this document is related to zoonosis and possible pandemics. There are many people who fall ill every year due to pathologies that have their origin in an animal virus that has passed to humans. Therefore, with this ID for dogs, there would be greater control in the medical history, which could facilitate the management of the appearance of zoonosis.
A complement to the microchip
It is true that much of the information that the ID for dogs will contain is also included in the microchip, which allows veterinarians and security forces to know the name of the owner of the animal and other data that are very useful when a pet is lost or stolen.
But the fact of having the new ID for dogs does not mean the exclusion of the microchip. On the contrary, both systems will be complementary and necessary. In the case of the new ID for pets, it will include a QR code that will facilitate access to the data.
Other unknowns of the ID for dogs
As we have said, there are still many unknowns to be resolved before the pet ID sees the light of day. One of them is whether the animal ID will be physical or digital. It is very likely that it will be in digital format and that it will incorporate a QR code.
Another of these doubts is whether the ID for dogs will have to carry a photo of the dog, cat or pet. It is also not known if the image must be only of the animal’s face or if the whole body must be seen.
The new Animal Protection Law
In addition to the ID for dogs, the new Animal Protection Law also includes other measures in favor of animal rights:
- Sentient beings
Animals will be considered as sentient beings, which means that they will have the same rights as people in cases of divorce. It will therefore be up to the judge to decide which of the two members of the couple is the most suitable to keep custody of the animal.
It should be remembered that approximately 30,000 of the 100,000 couples that divorce every year in Spain have a pet, so this measure will help from now on to define the relationship of animals with humans in the family environment and in times of rupture.
- Maximum five animals per household
The Law foresees establishing a maximum of five animals that may be in a house. This measure is not retroactive, so families that exceed this number will be able to continue living with them.
- Pet stores
Likewise, this law also states that pet stores will only be allowed to sell fish as pets. This is due to the fact that it will be prohibited the integration of animals in exhibitions, as well as in nativity scenes, parades or processions “where the animal is kept in an unnatural way”.
- Training course for acquiring a pet.
The text includes other novelties in the field of animal protection, such as the requirement for pet owners to pass a training course to facilitate responsible animal ownership. By means of this training, the owner is expected to develop basic knowledge on the handling, care and keeping of animals.
- Civil liability
Another of the requirements of this Law is that the owner of the animal must subscribe a civil liability insurance, since he/she will have to assume the possible damages that the animal could cause to other people, animals or things, to the roads or public spaces and to the natural environment.
In Las Almenas we have already commented the importance of having an insurance and in which cases it is compulsory.
- Prohibition of slaughtering
The new legislation introduces the prohibition of slaughtering pets, except for “sanitary or euthanasic reasons”.
- Maximum time without supervision
On the other hand, it establishes three days as the maximum time that any pet animal may be left unsupervised, although it mentions that, in the case of dogs, this period may not exceed twenty-four consecutive hours.
- Access to transport
The draft bill also regulates the access to public and private transport for those pets that “do not constitute a risk for people”. In addition, it establishes that cab and VTC drivers who accept pets in their vehicles are entitled to receive a supplement previously established by the competent authority.
- Access to establishments
In this sense, this new proposed Law highlights that public and private establishments “such as hotel accommodations, beaches, restaurants or bars” that do not allow the entry and stay of animals must show it by means of a sign visible from the outside indicating it.
- The breeding of pets by private individuals is prohibited.
This new law prohibits the breeding of pets by private individuals, leaving the breeding in the hands of professional and legal breeders or breeders.
- Penalties
The text of the draft bill provides as accessory sanctions the possibility of disqualifying the owner from keeping animals “for a maximum period of five years for serious infractions and from five to ten years for very serious infractions”.
We will have to wait to finally find out what this proposal of Law is and if the ID for dogs is finally implemented during 2022.
What do you think about these new measures? Do you agree with the creation of the ID for dogs? Do you think these measures will be able to eradicate animal abandonment in Spain and improve the living conditions of pets? Share your opinions on our profiles on Facebook, Instagram or on our YouTube channel of Las Almenas. We will keep you updated on the latest news to inform you promptly.
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