Did you know that temperature changes affect dogs affect their mood and eating habits? Just as it happens to humans, the arrival of cold and heat especially affects older dogs and puppies, leading to certain health conditions.
In our blog of Las Almenas, today we want to tell you what are the main symptoms caused by temperature changes in dogs, and how to combat their possible consequences.
What are the effects of temperature changes in dogs?
Every time we change the weather season, sooner or later we see a series of variations that affect both people and animals to a greater or lesser extent.
Thus, with the arrival of autumn and winter, temperature changes in dogs cause an alteration of the canine mood, in addition to the possible appearance of anxiety. Also in winter, and especially in spring, the appearance of allergies is another consequence of temperature changes in dogs.
Since they do not have sweat glands, and although they perspire in some parts of their body, the excess heat and temperature changes in dogs during the summer affect their behavior and predispose them to suffer heat stroke.
From Las Almenas we want to explain you what are the effects of temperature changes in dogs, depending on the time of the year.
Effects of temperature changes on dogs in autumn and winter
- Changes in mood.
Due to the fact that there are less hours of sunlight, this causes dogs, as well as people, to develop the so-called Seasonal Affective Syndrome, which completely changes the mood. This causes that, at this time of the year, with the temperature changes in dogs, they become more apathetic and especially tired.
- Joint pains
With the drop in temperatures that begin to occur in autumn, joint pain begins in dogs, especially those who are older and have osteoarthritis. The cold makes the cartilage and ligaments less flexible, thus affecting the mobility of their joints.
- Colds
When the temperature changes in dogs, colds and constipation appear. This is due to the fact that the immune system is more weakened, so it is not difficult for pathologies such as pharyngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis or inflammations to appear, which can become complicated and cause serious pneumonia. In the face of this type of problems, veterinary attention is essential.
- Increased appetite
Temperature changes in dogs have a direct influence on the demand for food. Thus, with the arrival of cold weather, the metabolism requires more energy so that the dog can maintain a stable body temperature. That is why in winter your dog asks for more food than usual.
- Otitis
Another possible consequence of temperature changes in dogs is the appearance of otitis. This is due to the humidity of the environment and rains, as they predispose to the appearance of otitis in dogs.
- Hypothermia and frostbite
Dogs can be sensitive to extremely low temperatures, even more so when they are not used to cold and their body temperatures fall below normal ranges. A state of hypothermia in dogs leaves the body defenseless against bacteria and other pathogens, but other symptoms such as heart failure, coma and death can also develop.
Keep in mind that when the body temperature drops drastically, the body tries to protect vital organs. That is why the blood flow to the feet, ears and extremities is restricted, causing frostbite. Faced with these temperature changes in dogs, you are likely to see how your furry friend starts shivering and loses energy, so you will have to help him find a warm shelter.
- Shedding hair
Shedding is a stage that most dogs experience twice a year and, precisely, it is caused by the change of season and weather. With the arrival of autumn and spring, the animal’s coat is recomposed to adapt to a decrease or increase in temperatures.
In autumn, dogs replace the light coat with a denser coat that protects them better from the cold. In spring, just the opposite happens. You already know that this is a mechanism that cannot be avoided and that is certainly related to temperature changes in dogs.
How to cope with temperature changes in dogs during autumn and winter
From Las Almenas we recommend that, in spite of the cold, you continue with your daily walk, even if your furry friend is apathetic to do it. Keep in mind that walking is a necessity for dogs, not only because it improves their mood but also because it keeps them healthy during the winter, prevents obesity and allows them to socialize.
Probably, due to temperature changes in dogs during this season you may have to increase their food intake, so walking is essential to keep your dog at the right weight.
During the winter season you can decrease the frequency of bathing. When you bathe your dog do not forget to dry him very well, with towel and hairdryer and do not let him leave the room until he is completely dry, this way you will avoid any current that could make him sick.
Finally, as it is obvious, in cold weather, you should not let your dog sleep outdoors, even if he is used to do it.
You can also help your dog to acclimatize to the cold. You have a lot of designs and models of pet clothing to choose from to keep your dog warm.
Effects of temperature changes on dogs in spring and summer
In addition to shedding, which also occurs during the spring, there are other consequences due to temperature changes in dogs:
- Reduction of food intake.
With the change of temperature in summer, dogs, just like people, tend to eat less. So you should not worry if you notice that food intake is reduced a little. However, it is important that you try to increase their water intake.
- Heat stroke
This is one of the most feared consequences of temperature changes in dogs in summer. Remember that, at this time of the year, even if they eat less, we must ensure that the dog is well hydrated if we want to avoid heat stroke.
- Environmental allergies
Did you know that atopic allergy affects 15% of dogs? It is a hypersensitivity that the dog develops to certain substances, such as pollen, grasses, molds, etc….
Spring allergy is a very clear example of atopic allergy in dogs. It is precisely at this time of the year when pollen from trees and flowers can trigger a lot of allergies, as is the case of hay allergy in dogs.
- of parasites and other insects
Spring and summer are also the preferred seasons for parasites such as ticks or fleas to lodge in the body of our animals.
To prevent these parasites from settling on the skin and coat of our furry friend, you will have to be extremely careful with the cleaning of the animal. You will have to be very meticulous and you may have to use deworming products all year round, since these insects have evolved in such a way that they can survive the coldest months of the year.
- Pad burns
Walking on asphalt or beach sand on very hot days can cause burns on the pads of dogs. However, extreme cold can also cause burns and cracks in this sensitive area of dogs.
Coping with temperature changes in dogs in spring and summer
If you notice that the heat causes your pet to get cranky, don’t worry. Try to keep your dog cooler and more comfortable, thus reducing the risk of heat stroke.
Avoid taking him out for walks during the hottest hours of the day and offer him cool water frequently to prevent him from getting dehydrated.
Try to cool him with baths and cool water hoses. Children’s pools are also a good option for dogs.
What you should avoid at all costs is to leave any animal enclosed in a hot place without air circulation such as a car. In these cases, the consequences could be fatal.
Does your dog suffer from seasonal changes?
Tell us how your dog experiences temperature changes and what tricks help you to alleviate their discomfort. And if you have a recipe, share it with us! You can do it in the comment box below or through our profiles on Facebook, Instagram or on our YouTube channel of Las Almenas. Enjoy!
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