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Healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog


Yes, dogs are carnivorous animals. But did you know that there are healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog? That’s right. Fruits and vegetables are necessary to achieve a balanced diet and keep your dog’s body in perfect condition.

Do you want to know which fruits and vegetables are healthy for your dog and in what quantities? Then keep reading this article that we have prepared from Las Almenas and you will discover all the benefits they bring to your pet.



Why include fruits and vegetables in your dog’s diet?

In their natural habitat, dogs feed exclusively on meat. But through the consumption of their prey, in a natural way, they also ingest the nutrients and vitamins provided by fruits and vegetables. But what happens when the dog cannot hunt and is fed exclusively on feed and dog food? Well, they may have nutritional deficiencies, especially in terms of fiber and antioxidants.

And this is where the consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog plays an important role. Thus, the antioxidants absorbed through fruits and vegetables decrease cellular oxidation and thus also decreases the protection of the immune system favoring the onset of degenerative diseases related to old age, such as cardiovascular disease or cancer.

On the other hand, you surely already know the need to consume fiber to prevent constipation in dogs and promote the proper functioning of the dog’s digestive system.

However, dogs do not need the same amount of fiber as humans. According to veterinarians, fiber should not exceed 10% of the diet. If dogs take more than necessary, it is possible that the digestive tract may become obstructed or other problems may appear.

So, as you know, if the food you feed your pet does not incorporate the necessary antioxidants or fiber, you will have to give him, to compensate, the right amount of fruits and vegetables healthy for your dog.

In addition to achieving a balanced diet, by incorporating healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog you are also helping him to break the monotony of the same food every day. By varying his diet, you’ll help him avoid food fatigue and enjoy his food more.


What are healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog?

Although there are many healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog, you should keep in mind that not all of them are good, as there are some that are toxic for dogs. So that you have it clear, here is the list of healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog.

Fruits that dogs can eat

  • Apple.

The properties and benefits of apples for people are well known. Well, the same happens in dogs. Its digestive and astringent properties are ideal to fight stomach problems in your pet. In addition, it provides calcium, vitamin C, fiber and anti-inflammatory properties, making apples one of the best healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog.

If you give apples to your dog to fight diarrhea, it is better to remove the skin. On the other hand, if what he has is constipation, give it to him in pieces with skin. Remember to remove the core of the apple, as the seeds of the fruit are harmful to dogs.

  • Pear

Its high water content, which exceeds 80%, allows a good hydration of the dog, so it is very beneficial to ingest in the hot months. In addition, it provides vitamins and fiber, and has a delicious taste also for dogs. Your dog will enjoy and be refreshed.

  • Banana

Banana is also one of the best healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog. The high amount of fructooligosaccharides it contains promotes the production of beneficial gut bacteria that are part of the animal’s immune barrier. In addition, bananas are rich in vitamins B6 and C, which help to strengthen the immune system and prevent cardiovascular problems.

And, of course, bananas are rich in potassium, a compound that helps dogs’ bones to be stronger. As it is astringent, it also helps to compensate for the problems intestinal problems, such as diarrhea. But be careful, because if you overdo it with the amount of banana, it is possible that your dog will become constipated.

  • Melon and watermelon

These are the quintessential summer fruits. Their high water content helps to maintain proper hydration. They are also rich in vitamins and folic acid, which is essential to complete your pet’s diet.

But as you know, these fruits have a large amount of seeds that are very harmful to their health, so when you offer these fruits to your dog, arm yourself with patience and remove each and every one of the seeds.

  • Strawberries and blueberries

The red fruits are characterized by the large amount of antioxidants they provide and prevent premature aging of the body. Your dog’s bones also benefit from these fruits that also have diuretic and digestive properties.

  • Apricot and peach

These are two fruits that dogs like very much. Nutritionally speaking they are also very rich in vitamins, amino acids and fiber. That is why they help regulate your dog’s intestinal transit.

Another important thing about these two fruits is that they have a high iron content, which prevents possible anemia.

Both apricot and peach do not have pips, but they do have pits that, together with the velvety skin, should be removed before giving them to dogs.

  • Pineapple

Pineapple provides a lot of fiber, water, vitamins and minerals. If you peel it well and cut it into small pieces, it will be a great treat for your furry friend.

  • Other fruits for dogs

The list of healthy fruits for your dog is almost endless. Oranges, plums, papayas, kiwi, are also suitable. Try which ones he likes the most and which ones suit him better. If you notice that any fruit does not suit him, eliminate it from his diet.


Vegetables that dogs can eat

  • Carrot

Carrot is one of dogs’ favorite vegetables, did you know that? In addition to the sweet and pleasant taste they have, carrots are also a source of fiber. And one more curiosity: it prevents teeth tartar and is a great ally of canine vision.

  • Red tomato

Yes, tomato, if it is red can be a good complement to the diet of your furry friend. It is nutritious, full of vitamins and antioxidants and refreshing. But we insist that it must be red, because if it is green it can be toxic for dogs.

Be careful with sauces and ketchup! This is not recommended at all, as these products contain a lot of sugar and fats.

  • Pepino

You can use it as a snack for your dog, but in moderation. The good thing about this vegetable is that it has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Zucchini

It is a vegetable rich in potassium, calcium and vitamin A, and helps your dog’s kidney and cardiovascular health. And the calcium will also strengthen his bones. Besides being very healthy, it retains its nutritional properties very well, even if it is cooked, which is not the case with other vegetables.

  • Broccoli

It is a powerful antioxidant that improves digestion and helps fight anemia problems, since it contains a lot of iron, as well as a wide range of vitamins: C, A, E and K.

  • Cauliflower

Have you ever thought of giving cauliflower to your dog? Well, you should know that it is accepted by the dog whether it is raw or cooked. Thanks to its properties, cauliflower helps intestinal problems and acts as an anti-inflammatory in cases of osteoarthritis, something highly recommended for older dogs.

  • Other vegetables suitable for dogs

Peas, spinach, green beans, lettuce, bell pepper, asparagus, potato, … All these vegetables provide a lot of vitamins and minerals that bring many benefits to your dog, but you must dose the doses and do not exceed 10% of the food intake.

Precautions when offering healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog

  • Not all fruits are suitable for dogs. It is very important for you to know that there are fruits that you should never give to your dog: grapes, raisins, currants and avocado. These fruits can cause indigestion and kidney problems due to their toxicity. Always keep this in mind!
  • All fruits and vegetables you offer your dog should be washed and free of seeds and pips. No matter how small the seeds are, they are really harmful, as they inflame the digestive tract.
  • Serve the fruits and vegetables well chopped to avoid any risk of suffocation.
  • Fruit should not replace their usual diet. It is only a complement that you should give in small doses, as a prize or gift. No more than 10% of their daily ration.
  • Introduce the consumption of healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog when he is still a puppy. If he does not get used to it from an early age, it will be more difficult for him to do it as an adult.
  • If your dog does not like fruits and you want to complete his diet with them, try mixing them with other foods.
  • Consult your veterinarian about any change you make in your dog’s diet. Try to make dietary changes or the incorporation of new foods gradually and supervised by your veterinarian.

And you, what fruits and vegetables do you feed your dog?

Special feeds, natural food, grain-free feeds, BARF diet, homemade food,… If you are not sure which type of food is the most suitable for your dog, we invite you to read our article “Dog food or homemade food, which is better?“.

In any case, whatever diet you follow for your dog, fruits and vegetables will always have a place and you can introduce them because they are really beneficial and your dog will find them delicious!

And you, did you know that there are healthy fruits and vegetables for your dog? Can you think of any more? Tell us which is your dog’s favorite fruit or vegetable and how you will prepare it. And if you have a recipe, share it with us! You can do it in the comment box below or through our profiles on Facebook, Instagram or on our YouTube channel of Las Almenas. Enjoy!

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