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First aid kit for dogs, what do you need to have?


Throughout their lives, most dogs suffer many accidents and health problems that, in many occasions, we will be able to solve by ourselves. At other times, we will be able to give immediate attention until our dog can be seen by the veterinarian. In any of the cases, we will need to have at hand a first aid kit for dogs, with a series of indispensable products.

If you want to know which are those sanitary products that cannot be missing in your first aid kit for dogs, take note of the complete list that we have prepared from Las Almenas.




However, it is important that you keep in mind that the doses of the products and medicines must be prescribed by the veterinarian. In the cases of serious situations, these first aids that you make with the first aid kit for dogs never substitute the veterinary attention.

However, since many of the accidents occur far from a veterinary clinic, you should be cautious and always carry the first aid kit for dogs when you go out for a weekend, on vacation or hiking in the mountains, for example.


First aid kit

Before an accident or blow that causes injuries to a dog, we must try to clean the area in depth and make a first cure. For this we will need to carry in the first aid kit for dogs:

  • Sterile gauze: They are basic for any cure. It is convenient to acquire formats with small packs of 4-6 gauze. This way they will be kept longer in better hygienic conditions.
  • Bandages: It is better that they are cotton and not those that are adhesive, as they are difficult and annoying to remove. Try to have a couple of them of different widths to have the option to choose the one that best suits the area to be bandaged.
  • Gloves: It is important that, before touching a dog wound, you use latex gloves that provide maximum hygiene and protection.
  • Tape: You will need it to fix the bandages and gauze.
  • Cotton: When cleaning wounds it is better to use sterile gauze, as cotton fibers can easily get caught in the wound. However, absorbent cotton can be very useful if you want to cover wounds, make compresses…
  • Physiological saline solution: This is another basic product in the first aid kit for dogs. It is very useful for washing eyes, muzzle and wounds. Use the single-dose formats, since it assures us that the product is sterile and in perfect conditions. In addition, you can use it easily and discard it when finished.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Everyone knows the disinfectant capacity of hydrogen peroxide, so it is a product that should be carried in our first aid kit for dogs. However, we can also use antiseptics.
  • Antiseptics: Povidone iodine and chlorhexidine are the most commonly used antiseptics to disinfect wounds. There are many well-known brands, but you can choose the product that you think convenient or that your veterinarian recommends.
  • Aluminum powder spray: It is not a very well known product, but it is really very effective to achieve protection and healing of superficial wounds.
  • Healing ointment: Once the wound is clean and disinfected, we can use a healing ointment that stimulates healing. These ointments have among their compounds centella asiatica, aloe vera, etc… and it is even possible that some of them have an antibiotic to avoid infections. In case of taking antibiotics, it will be your veterinarian who will indicate you which one will be the most suitable for your canine medicine cabinet, and he will provide you the prescription, if you need it.
  • Anti-inflammatories: When faced with the pain of an inflammation caused by a blow, your veterinarian may recommend that you give your dog an oral anti-inflammatory. This will alleviate the discomfort. Remember not to overuse this type of medication, so if the pain continues, go to the vet as soon as possible.
  • Alcohol 70º: We include alcohol in the list of our first aid kit, but not for the dog’s wounds, but as a disinfectant for the instruments and surfaces that come in contact with the dog’s wound. Remember not to use alcohol directly on wounds, as it could cause them to bleed more.


First aid kit for dogs with health problems

In addition to the products that we have mentioned to carry out the first aid of a wound, in our first aid kit for dogs it is also convenient to carry other products and medicines that can help us to alleviate different health problems of the dog:

  • Antiparasitic: You know that the bites of certain insects can be very annoying for dogs, cause allergic reactions and even transmit many diseases. That is why it is important that, if you go with your dog on an excursion in the countryside, you take a good antiparasitic. You have a lot to choose from, since in the market you will find them in different formats: collars, pipettes, tablets, … and sprays to reinforce protection at specific moments.
  • Sun protection: In our article Sunscreen for dogs: Is it necessary? ( we already explained how important it is to prevent sunburn in certain dogs. Those dogs with little fur or that have skin lesions or certain sensitive areas that are exposed to the sun, should be protected with sunscreen. Again, you can choose in different formats, such as cream, spray, … but it is advisable that they have a total protection factor, ie 50.
  • Pad protector: If you have a city dog that is not used to long walks on rocky terrain, you will have to look in your first aid kit for dogs to protect the pads of the feet. If you don’t do this, you may have to do a little foot care for your dog’s feet. So, as we do not want to make him suffer, it is better to prevent these situations and acquire one of these pad protectors that you will find in sprays or brushes to apply directly on the skin. As we say, the ideal is to do it preventively a few days before the walk, but you can also use it to treat irritations afterwards.
  • Corticosteroids: If your dog suffers from some kind of itching, your veterinarian may have prescribed a topical anti-inflammatory. But there are also oral or even injectable corticosteroids, which we can have in our dog’s medicine cabinet, in case the dog has previously suffered an allergic reaction. In any case, corticoids always require a prescription from the veterinarian who will indicate when they are necessary and in what dosage in order to avoid possible side effects.
  • Antidiarrheal: Another indispensable product in the first aid kit for traveling dogs are antidiarrheals. Changes in diet or water composition can cause gastrointestinal symptoms in animals. Taking probiotics helps our pet to improve its intestinal flora, but if necessary, your veterinarian will recommend an effective anti-diarrheal drug for dogs.


Useful utensils for the canine first-aid kit

In a first aid kit for dogs it is also convenient to have essential utensils for first aid:

  • Thermometer: To know if there is any infection or internal problem, it is convenient to know what the dog’s body temperature is. Having a digital thermometer is essential for this, but keep in mind that in adult dogs a fever is not considered to be present until it reaches 39.5 ºC.
  • Tweezers: Very useful to remove foreign bodies embedded between the pads of the paws or ears. But be careful, if it is stuck in sensitive areas, it is better that the veterinarian takes care of it.
  • Scissors: you may need them to cut the tape or bandages, so they will be very useful in your first aid kit for dogs.
  • Flashlight: Very useful to check carefully the ears, mouth or any wound in the fur area.
  • Honey: Honey is one of the foods with the best antimicrobial properties, but it also helps to quickly raise blood glucose, in case the dog is tired and dejected.


When to go to the vet

If you have a well-organized first aid kit for dogs, you will be able to offer your dog immediate and simple help, especially in urgent situations. However, many of the treatments we have mentioned require the assessment and diagnosis of a veterinarian and subsequent prescription to acquire them. For this reason, from Las Almenas we suggest that, in case of any injury, deep wound or physical discomfort of the dog, you should go to the veterinarian. It is also very important to comply with the dosage indicated by the veterinarian.

Do you already have your dog’s first aid kit ready? If you want to tell us about your experience with canine first aid, you can leave us your comment at the end of the article. You can send us your questions to our profiles on FacebookInstagram and YouTube channel. We hope you have no reason to use your dog first aid kit, but in case of need you will be fully prepared!

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