During the last years we are seeing different types of scams through fake dog ads on the Internet. It is very common to find this kind of ads in milanuncios, Wallapop or other pages dedicated to buying and selling that only seek to steal your money. That is why, from Las Almenas, we want to warn you about these practices and explain what they consist of and how you can detect fake dog ads on the Internet.
What do fake dog advertisement scams consist of?
Taking advantage of the fact that many people are eager to have a puppy in their arms to take care of it and share their life with it, opportunistic scammers explain in fake dog ads that they have a puppy they want to give away. In exchange, the person interested in the dog must pay for shipping costs, veterinarian’s fees, the crate or cage for the transfer, etc.
On other occasions, the scam consists of offering purebred dogs at very low prices, bred by supposed private breeders and not by legal breeders.
In any of the cases, when the person pays the amounts and/or expenses in advance, the dog never arrives home, mostly because those animals do not exist, since the photos we see in the fake dog ads are used over and over again. In addition, they block the phone numbers so that people cannot contact the scammers nor can they claim anything from them.
Behind these scams are real mafias that use fake dog ads with very similar texts to which they change the names, phone numbers and, sometimes, the photos.
How to detect fake dog ads?
There are a number of tips and tricks to help you spot a fake ad on the Internet:
-Track the photo of the ad.
To detect these fake dog ads you can do a very simple trick that consists of tracing the image of the dog included in the ad. To do this you just have to click on the picture with the right mouse button. Then you can select the option “copy the URL of the image” to paste it in Google and find out if the image of the dog has been used before. In case you find it in several ads from different dates, it is very likely to be a scam.
-Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors
Another issue that may make you suspect that you are looking at fake dog ads is that both the ad itself and the emails you come across with the supposed breeder are full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. This poor language is due to the fact that many of these mafias operate from outside our country and do not speak Spanish, so they use automatic translators.
-Research the seller
You can also investigate the details of the alleged seller, such as email, phone number, the VAT number of the company.
Check their website, but be careful, because sometimes these crooks pretend to be official breeders and create misleading websites with stolen photos and big discounts.
However, you can check if they have social networks with comments from other buyers, if they have YouTube channel, which will help you to get to know the breeders and facilities, if they have reviews on Google My Business… anything you find about that breeder or kennel on the Internet, will help you to rule out fake dog ads.
When you contact them, ask them for information about their establishment, their legal license as a breeder or kennel, etc. or even send you a video of the dog.
-Be suspicious if they won’t let you pick up the dog.
If they won’t let you go to the kennel or meet somewhere to pick up the pet, you may suspect that these are fake dog ads because they don’t want you to see the dog before paying.
-Don’t believe implausible stories.
To make the lie more consistent, scammers send false information posing as airport or courier company personnel. They will tell you that they have the animal, but there has been an error in the shipment or any other story to make you pay once more so that they can complete the delivery of the animal.
-Be suspicious of very low prices
Breeding a purebred dog is quite high, as the breeder incurs many expenses such as facilities, vet, vaccinations, feeding, constant work and attention, etc. Therefore, if the price of the advertisement is very low, you can be suspicious that the dog you are acquiring is purebred or that it is delivered with all the legal requirements (vaccinations, deworming, microchip, …), if it is delivered to you at all.
7 tips on how to buy a puppy and avoid being cheated
Adopting or buying a puppy is not something you can do as if it were a pair of slippers. Acquiring a purebred dog that is guaranteed to be physically and emotionally healthy is essential for your happiness, that of your family and that of the animal itself.
Therefore, if you do not want to buy your dog blindly or be exposed to a scam because of false dog ads, you should buy your dog from legal Spanish breeders and kennels. It is the best option to have all the guarantees both in the conditions of sale and health of the dog.
1-Select the breed that best suits your needs
Before buying, it is important that you know in depth the different breeds that exist and which ones are best suited to you and your family. To do this you can consult a veterinarian or specialized breeders, such as Las Almenas. We can explain to you the essential characteristics of each breed and of each specimen because we are professional breeders.
2- Go to a legal breeder
Go to a known breeder that complies with the laws and regulations and that has the documentation in order. When you talk to him you should notice that the breeder shows love for his work, is accessible and is willing to solve all your doubts and queries.
3-Make sure of the puppy’s health
Ask the breeder to show you the puppy’s vaccination and deworming records. You can also ask for the pedigree. If he refuses to give you the information or documents, he cannot be trusted.
4-Do not accept newborn puppies
The puppy must be at least 12 weeks old. Until that moment, it needs the care and feeding of the mother and all professional breeders who develop a responsible breeding know that. It is essential for its socialization and health that the puppy has been with its mother and siblings for a minimum of two months.
5-Go to the facilities
As far as possible, you should go to the breeder so that you can check the condition of the litter. Check that the puppies are clean and dry. Also, make sure that the puppies can play with each other and that they are being properly socialized, which is essential for the puppy to become an emotionally stable and healthy adult dog.
6-Don’t pay until you have your dog.
Don’t hand over money until you are sure you are getting the puppy you really want. Be wary of payments on expenses that cannot be proven.
7-Do not give your personal information
Avoid those sellers who ask for certain personal or contact information, such as bank details or credit cards. Keep in mind that many of the fake dog ads on the Internet are also made to steal data and information from the user.
Report fraud
If you identify a possible case of fraud or suspicious behavior of a seller or fake breeder, it is recommended that you quickly report any irregularities to the police, to the consumer organization and also to the Customer Care managers of the platform where you have seen these fake dog ads, as this way you can help other dog lovers to avoid future fraudulent purchases.
In conclusion, buying a puppy dog is safe if you follow the corresponding steps and make the purchase from responsible and legal breeders. This way, you will avoid frauds and enjoy the companion you want so much.
If you have any doubt about the purchase of toy or mini breed dogs, in Las Almenas we can give you details about the behavior and care of these dogs. We continue to publish tips and news from our breeder through our profiles on Facebook, Instagram and the Las Almenas YouTube channel.
Have you had any fraudulent experience with fake dog ads? Do not hesitate to alert us and give us ideas on how to act. For us it is very important to fight against the illegal sale of dogs for the good of the whole society and animals in particular. And if you liked this article, be sure to give us your star rating below!
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