What are the dog breeds that shed the least hair?
Dog hair loss is one of the most annoying things for those of us who live with pets. Many people come to Las Almenas looking for dogs that shed the least amount of hair, not only to avoid leaving the house and clothes full of hair, but also for allergy issues.
Whether for allergy, hygiene or lack of time to clean, choosing the dogs that shed the least hair is the best option. But which are these dogs, what are their coat characteristics? If you read on, we’ll tell you everything!
Are there hypoallergenic dogs?
Although all dogs lose hair, not all breeds do it in the same amount. Those dog breeds that shed less hair are considered hypoallergenic breeds, although no dog is 100% hypoallergenic.
To be understood, when we talk about a hypoallergenic dog, it does not mean that they do not cause any allergic reaction, but that they produce a smaller amount of allergens and, therefore, allergic people can tolerate them much better.
Dogs that shed less hair do not have a different hair composition, but the texture and growth cycle cause them to shed less hair.
The amount of hair shed depends on the dog’s hair growth cycle. These growth cycles are:
- Anagen. This is the phase in which the hair grows. Depending on genetic factors, a dog can have a longer or shorter anagen phase, from a few weeks to a few years. The longer this growth phase, the less hair the dog will lose.
- Telogen. This is the resting phase in which the hair does not grow any more and is maintained.
- Exogenous. When the hair reaches this phase it begins to fall out. This exogenous phase is longer at the time of shedding, which is usually in autumn and spring, when dogs change their coat to adapt to the summer heat or winter cold.
In the case of dogs that live indoors and do not receive as much light, their hair follicles are at different stages. This is the reason why some dogs lose their hair constantly.
The dog breeds that shed the least hair are precisely those that spend a long time in the anagen or telogen phase (in which there is no growth), so they take a long time to lose their hair.
Thus, for example, poodles spend most of their life in the anagen phase, which is why this is one of the breeds of dogs that shed the least amount of hair. The little hair they do shed tends to get trapped in the constantly growing follicles. For this reason, this breed requires regular grooming.
Long-haired breeds, on the other hand, spend most of their time in the telogen phase, where there is a lack of growth. After some time, even months, these breeds shed much of their coat. Therefore, for most of the time they are seen with a long coat.
Types of coat that shed the least
Whether your dog is a purebred or a mixed breed, if it has a number of characteristics, such as a very short coat or curly coat with a wool-like look and feel, it is most likely one of the dog breeds that sheds the least amount of hair.
Short hair
Dogs with very, very short hair usually shed very little. In addition, you will hardly notice that it is shedding due to its short length.
And for even more convenience, this is the easiest coat to care for and maintain. However, you should keep in mind that, although they are one of the dogs that shed the least amount of hair, you will need to care for and protect their skin from too much sun, as they are more prone to sunburn.
If you want more information on short hair care, you will be interested in reading these “5 tips for grooming and hygiene of short-haired dogs”
Curly Coat
If your dog has curly hair, you may have noticed that it is also one of the dog breeds that sheds the least amount of hair. Dogs with curly coats with a wool-like texture do not shed and, therefore, do not shed. On the contrary, this coat never stops growing.
Precisely because it is a hair that never stops growing, you will have to cut it and take care of it very often, since the appearance of knots is common and very annoying.
Finally, the so-called hairless dogs, as their name indicates, have practically no fur and, as such, they do not lose it either.
There are very few hypoallergenic dog breeds with no coat. Being the dog breeds that shed the least amount of hair, they allow us to keep our house and clothes free of hair, and they are very suitable breeds for allergy sufferers. However, although it may seem that they are all advantages, you have to take into account that these dogs have a tendency to suffer from skin problems if they are exposed to the sun for a long time. So you will have to be extra cautious.
If you want to know more information about the dog breeds that shed the least hair or how to take care of your dog’s coat, we leave you these articles with tips on both brushing and the type of brushes you need.
The 10 dog breeds that shed the least hair
Now, let’s tell you about our selection of the 10 dog breeds that shed the least hair:
1-Boston terrier
Soft and short coat, little odor and a dog that could be catalogued as easy to train. In addition, it is quiet, barks little and loves to be in family with children. Due to the characteristics of its coat, the fall of the same is practically null, so it is a breed of dog that does not pull hair ideal for those people who do not have time to brushed or be constantly cleaning.
For all the above reasons, if you are looking for a small dog breed that does not shed hair, the boston terrier is the companion you need.
2-Bichon Frisian, Maltese or Bolognese
Bichons are breeds of dogs that have a good volume of hair, but in spite of that, they are dogs that practically do not shed hair.
But as we have already said, the Maltese, the Friesian and the Bolognese need a lot of care. Daily brushing and special attention to the care of their eyes and tear ducts are issues that you will have to take care of.
If you want to know in more detail how is the care and upbringing of the Maltese, you will be interested in our complete guide.
It is one of the dog breeds that shed the least hair. It is a large dog, with such short hair that it seems that it does not have any.
In addition, it is a very noble and active dog, ideal as a companion for those who live in the countryside or have a garden.
We have already mentioned that the poodle is one of the dog breeds that shed the least amount of hair. Well, they practically do not shed hair, so they are ideal for allergy sufferers. But what you won’t get rid of is the daily care of that curly and woolly hair, which tangles so much.
The poodle is one of the mini dog breeds that Las Almenas likes the most. If you want to know all the details of this breed, we invite you to read how is the respectful upbringing of this dog.
5-Yorkshire terrier
The Yorkshire terrier is another of the dog breeds that shed less hair, although you will have to comb it regularly to avoid tangles.
It is also a small dog that you will have to pamper and groom daily. If you want more tips on this friendly breed, do not miss our “Complete Guide to the Yorkshire breed“.
6-Hairless American Terrier
This is one of the breeds of dogs that are characterized by being hairless and, therefore, has no fur to lose.
However, this dog requires special care, since its exposed skin needs to be protected from the sun’s rays and warm in winter.
The schnauzer is also a dog suitable for people with allergies. Its hard coat has two layers of hair, an inner one that is thicker and similar to wool and an outer one that is rougher.
Although this is a dog that loses hair, you will have to go to the groomer frequently to remove the accumulated dead hair.
8-Afghan Greyhound
This is another large breed of dog that is considered hypoallergenic. It has a very long, silky coat that needs to be brushed daily, but hardly sheds.
9-Shih tzu
This small dog has long, straight or slightly wavy hair with a woolly texture. The shih tzu is also one of the dog breeds that lose the least amount of hair, precisely because of these characteristics.
If you want to learn more about how to care for and breed this breed you can read our complete guide to the Shih Tzu dog breed.
10-Spanish and Portuguese Water Dog.
We finish our proposal of the dog breeds that shed the least hair with two breeds have a very similar coat. The hair of the Spanish water dog and the Portuguese water dog is hard, curly and resistant, that’s why they shed very little.
Do you need help?
If after reading our proposal of dogs that shed less hair you still have doubts and do not know which is the most suitable breed for you and your family, let us at Las Almenas advise you.
As a responsible breeder of mini and toy breed dogs we know each of our puppies and we can help you in this difficult decision between the different breeds of dogs that shed less hair.
And if you want to leave us your questions or comments, here below you can leave your comment or, if you prefer, you can do it on our Facebook, Instagram and our YouTube channel, we are waiting for you inside
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