It is an issue that has been worrying all of us who live with dogs since the pandemic began. Do pets infect, or are infected with the coronavirus? From Las Almenas we want to give you all the keys to Covid-19 in dogs so that you know how to act in case of infection.
The concern about Covid-19 in dogs is not something insignificant. Not only because of the affection that we people have for our pets, but, above all, because of the number of families that are affected by this situation.
Research to better understand how SARS-CoV-2 acts continues. After several studies on Covid-19 in dogs and other pets, we now know that our pets can become infected, but not infect other people or animals. It seems that cats are more susceptible than dogs to become infected with the virus that causes Covid-19.
In this article we want to explain everything we know so far about Covid-19 in dogs, as well as tips to prevent them from becoming infected and how to act when the owner is infected or in quarantine.
Can Covid-19 in dogs be contagious or contagious?
Currently, with the scientific data we have, animals are not likely to transmit the SARS-CoV-2 virus to humans. However, it is likely that we can transmit the virus to our dogs and cats when they stay at home near an infected person.
We are therefore talking about a unidirectional transmission and it is therefore important that we avoid giving hugs or letting the dog sleep with a person who is infected by Covid-19.
In all the cases studied so far, it has been found that the coronavirus is transmitted from humans to animals, and not between pets. It seems that the virus is better adapted to humans and has more difficulty replicating in dogs and cats.
Symptoms of Covid-19 in dogs
When Covid-19 occurs in dogs, it is very likely that the animal will not have any discomfort.
However, if any symptoms appear, the most common in dogs are lack of energy and loss of appetite. Mild coughing and diarrhea have also been detected. In the case of cats, on the other hand, the most common symptoms are nasal discharge and difficulty breathing.
What to do if someone at home is infected with coronavirus?
Many people wonder what to do with the dog if someone at home has been infected and the whole family must remain in quarantine. The first thing you should know is that you can keep the dog at home, but you should follow a series of hygienic measures:
- If you have coronavirus, keep your distance from the animal, use the mask and do not let it lick you.
- It is totally contraindicated to put a mask on the animal, since the only thing you will achieve is to stress the dog without getting any benefit.
- If the dog has to go to the vet, and you are infected, you should find another person to accompany your pet to the vet. In addition, it is advisable to warn the clinic in advance so that they can take the appropriate measures. In no case can you go with owners in quarantine or who have tested positive for COVID-19.
- If, due to the effects of the disease, you cannot take care of your dog, you should leave it to someone else to take care of it. Make sure that this person does not use the same utensils that you have touched, such as the dog’s food and drink dishes, leashes and collars. In general, avoid using materials that have been in direct contact with a sick person.
- Comply with basic hygiene rules. Wash your hands regularly, keep your mask on, and clean the surfaces in your home frequently…. In this way you can further reduce the risk to you and your faithful canine friend.
Once these measures have been taken, we can treat the dog like any other domestic animal, since there is no evidence that it is a transmitter of the disease.
Not to be confused with canine coronavirus
Until now we knew that dogs and cats can suffer from diseases caused by other types of coronavirus, but that they do not affect humans.
It should not be forgotten that canine coronavirus has a completely different symptomatology than SAR-CoV-2, as the symptoms are mainly intestinal in nature. The diarrhea caused by canine coronavirus should not be underestimated, especially in puppies, as they can quickly enter into life-threatening situations due to their low energy reserves.
As for Covid-19 in dogs, if you notice that your dog has flu-like symptoms, an infection with SARS-CoV-2 can be detected by PCR. Fortunately this is a mild infection for your dog that will not spread, although it has been found to be more serious in some cats.
Prevention of Covid-19 in dogs
From an epidemiological point of view, the role that pets can play in this infection is not yet fully known. Therefore, from Las Almenas, we recommend you to take all possible hygienic measures and keep your dog away from infected people, just as we do people.
Have you ever had to spend a quarantine with your dog at home? Tell us, in our comments box or on social networks, how you acted to keep your dog well cared for. And if you find yourself in this situation and you can’t find someone to leave your dog with for a while to keep him free of Covid-19, you always have the option of lodging your furry friend in a dog hotel. In Las Almenas your dog will enjoy a comfortable stay with the best attention and the pertinent hygienic and sanitary measures.
We will continue to be attentive to new research and recommendations about Covid-19 in dogs. We will publish them, as always, through our profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Las Almenas YouTube channel. Follow us!
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