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7 basic tips to protect your dog’s pads

They are very resistant and are prepared to walk and run without being damaged. We could say that dogs’ pads are equivalent to the sole of your shoes. However, this is a sensitive area that we must take care of and pay attention to make sure it is in good condition. Dogs’ pads, being always […]

How to cure conjunctivitis in dogs?

Have you noticed that your dog’s eyes are red and watering excessively? Does he have difficulty opening one or both eyes because of the tearing? You are probably facing a case of conjunctivitis, which is quite frequent. That is why, from Las Almenas we want to explain you the symptoms, causes and treatments of conjunctivitis […]

Bad breath in dogs How can I fix it?

Bad breath in dogs is as unpleasant as it is common. But it is still a symptom of an oral or digestive problem that we have to solve. That is why, in this article, which we have prepared from Las Almenas, we are going to tell you what are the causes that can cause bad […]

The shedding of hair in dogs, why does this happen?

It is time for the shedding of hair in dogs and, as it is normal, you are finding hair everywhere and the vacuum cleaner can’t cope with it. Dog shedding is a natural occurrence that you can’t stop. What you can do is to apply a series of tricks that allow you and your dog […]

5 different ways to clean a dog’s teeth

You may be part of the 95% of the population that doesn’t know how important it is to clean a dog’s teeth. But if you continue reading this article you will discover why it is essential to do it and we will tell you 5 different ways to clean a dog’s teeth.   Why clean […]

5 fundamental tips for the grooming and hygiene of short-haired dogs

There are many queries that come to our Instagram and Facebook profiles of Las Almenas about the care of the coat of dogs, so we wanted to answer and explain in our blog 5 fundamental tips for the grooming and hygiene of short-haired dogs. Many people mistakenly believe that it is not necessary to dedicate […]

10 Tips for brushing your dog’s coat

Would you like your dog to have a nice coat, but you don’t know how to achieve it? Do you want your dog’s brushing to be a pleasant moment and not an inconvenience? Then just read on and put into practice our top 10 tips for brushing your dog’s coat. Advantages of brushing your dog’s […]

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